Tesla Released the Long-Awaited FSD Version 11, What to Expect?

Written by Reananda Hidayat Permono Completed Master of Science - MS, Petroleum Geology from Curtin University, Perth, Australia.


After several months of delays, Tesla finally released version 11 of Full Self-Driving (FSD) beta software to testers and employees.

Even though Tesla hasn’t officially released notes on FSD Beta V11.3, you can find some leaked videos and notes online.

Therefore, customers can have a better idea about what it looks like.

The software can allow a Tesla to drive itself from A to B through highways and cities by combining Autopilot and FSD capabilities into a single system.

Drivers can manage FSD on residential streets to handle things like responding to traffic lights. Tesla’s Autopilot software will make highway driving possible.

It can automate driving tasks, such as automatic steering in clearly marked lanes. According to the release notes, the latest version of FSD has the capacity for better decision-making.

For instance, it can move the Tesla car away from blocked lanes and obstacles like road debris. Vehicles move smoothly at highway lane splits since it’s relying less on lanes.

Moreover, the FSD software is less strict about centering between lane lines. Users can use Chill mode to perform fewer speed-based lane changes.

Besides Chill, it also offers two other modes, Average and Assertive.

Elon Musk explained that after releasing V11.3.2 to limited testers, Tesla will adapt the software to European roads and submit it to regulators.

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Desined by Alexander Rabu