
6 Methods of Waste Management

Written by Reananda Hidayat Permono Completed Master Degree from Curtin University, Perth, Australia.

We need to have proper waste management since sometimes wastes are illegally dumped into canals or rivers or used to fill lands.

Medical waste is produced from many things, such as dental, nursing, skin penetration, pharmaceutical, and other related clinical activities.

It includes waste containing laboratory specimens, human tissue (other than hair, teeth, and nails), and blood.

Proper medical waste management is important because it also includes animal tissue or other wastes from animals used for medical research.

These medical waste elements could endanger the environment if there is not enough medical waste disposal near me.

Generally, there are six methods of waste management: landfill, waste compaction, incineration, composting, biogas generation, and vermicomposting.

You need to understand what is regulated medical waste to pick the correct waste disposal method.

Incineration is the most hygienic method of waste management as it can reduce the volume of waste by 90%. Moreover, the heat generated can produce electricity.

However, it may not be good for medical waste disposal since incineration can generate greenhouse gases like carbon monoxide and carbon dioxide.

Some top medical waste disposal companies use incineration to handle the waste. Biogas generation converts wastes to biogas by degradation with the help of fungi, bacteria, or other microbes.

Some places, like medical waste disposal New Jersey, could use this medical waste scheme.

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