
This Week’s Sky, March 3-12

Written by Reananda Hidayat Permono Completed Master of Science - MS, Petroleum Geology from Curtin University, Perth, Australia.

Love to enjoy the celestial events of the night sky with your loved ones? Here is the resume of this week’s sky, March 3-12.

- Friday, March 3 Venus and Jupiter continue their dramatic constellation, with Venus standing 20 above Jupiter.

- Saturday, March 4 The bright Moon forms a triangle with Regulus and Gamma Leonis in the eastern twilight sky.

- Sunday, March 5 Now the Moon shines between the Regulus and Gamma Leonis.

- Monday, March 6 You can enjoy the full Moon until tomorrow evening. However, the Moon is perfectly full at 7:40 am EST tomorrow morning.

- Tuesday, March 7 Orion stands at his highest in the southern sky in the early evening.

- Wednesday, March 8 The Big Dipper rose high in the northeast; Cassiopeia descended in the northwest. Polaris stands between them, as always.

- Thursday, March 9 If you live in the mid-northern latitude region, Pollux and Castor pass nearly overhead around 7 pm.

- Friday, March 10 Venus and Jupiter keep moving farther apart; tonight, around 90 from each other.

- Saturday, March 11 Bright Sirius, the bottom star of the equilateral Winter Triangle, stands in the south just as twilight fades into night.

- Sunday, March 12 Stargazers can continue to enjoy Sirius and Canis Major in the sky.