Mark Zuckerberg’s Blink Faith in Metaverse Could Endanger Meta

Mark Zuckerberg’s Blink Faith in Metaverse Could Endanger Meta

Facebook or Meta founder Mark Zuckerberg initiated Metaverse, an ambitious and risky-looking plan to create a 3D virtual reality world.

Generally, the Metaverse theory is simple: users are not only staring into a computer but also living inside it.

It’s a lifelike 3D simulation and a virtual universe that exists alongside the real one.

Furthermore, people can create their look in the Meta world, called ‘avatar.’

However, the real world doesn’t show the same enthusiasm as Mark Zuckerberg and his vision.

Facebook has experienced a share price fall of almost 60% in the past 14 months.

It means Mark Zuckerberg’s fortune has decreased by more than $76 billion since January.

Moreover, he is no longer the wealthiest 20 people on the planet.

Two Meta platforms, Facebook and Instagram, are being pressed hard by TikTok.

Interestingly, Mark Zuckerberg’s obsession with his virtual look in Metaverse also plays a massive part in this situation.