LinkedIn Releases New Security Features

LinkedIn Releases New Security Features

By: Reananda Hidayat Permono

Completed Master Degree from Curtin University, Perth, Australia.

The professional platform LinkedIn is going to release new security features to protect users from scammers posting job recruitments.

Despite its practical appearance, LinkedIn is useful for fraudsters and even spies.

Everyone can learn your sensitive details here, including your current job, employment history, and a direct way to contact you.

Social media security is a serious concern nowadays as scammers find creative ways to manipulate people.

Scammers also exploit LinkedIn to send out fake job offers to trick victims into installing malware.

Brian Krebs, a security journalist, reported that many fake profiles of people claiming to be consultants have appeared.

Therefore, LinkedIn plans to introduce some security features to help users to detect suspected scam activity.

One of those social media tools is an “About this profile” feature. This feature will show you when the platform has verified a profile with a phone or a work email.

It can help users to decide whether to accept a connection request on social media or not. In addition, LinkedIn develops an AI-generated image detector to detect deepfake images of fictitious people.

However, you can start building your social media security wall by yourself. As one of the top social media apps, LinkedIn will alert users about suspicious activity on personal messages.

Messages that ask you to move the conversation to another platform can be a sign of a scam.

Hence, after answering “is LinkedIn social media?” you now understand how to do it better and safer.

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