How to Launch Your First Email Marketing?

How to Launch Your First Email Marketing?

Email marketing is the most profitable direct marketing channel if you know how to launch an effective mail for your business.

Implementing an email marketing strategy means you send commercial emails to contacts who have given their permission to receive email.

3 Types of Email Marketing

– Promotional emails

This drip marketing is used to promote special offers, new product releases, and your brand in general.

However, this type of email marketing has a clear call-to-action that contains specific actions you want people to take.

– Informational emails

Email is a perfect medium to share company announcements and new releases of a product/service.

You can create newsletters as an email marketing tool. It’s about sharing your product update regularly (weekly or monthly).

Re-engagement emails This type of email marketing tries to reconnect with customers who haven’t been active lately. Business owners can do this re-engagement emails using Zoho campaigns or Shopify email.

How to Launch Your First Commercial Email 1. Choose the right email marketing software Some popular email blast software is Mailchimp, Constant Contact, Convertkit, HubSpot, Omnisend, and Mailjet.

2. Build an email list Put subscription forms that embed on your website so people can put their emails.

3. Create a welcome email for new subscribers A welcome email can contain a coupon or other promotional materials in email marketing.

4. Define the goal of your email marketing Every email marketing should have a clear goal, such as sharing a discount, promoting a new product, or giving a company update.